SynOpen Author Guidelines

Table of Contents

1 Editorial Policy
1.1 Journal policy on prior publication
1.2 Editorial evaluation
1.3 Article types
1.3.1 Original papers
1.3.2 Letters
1.3.3 Practical synthetic procedures
1.3.4 Reviews
1.3.5 Graphical reviews
1.3.6 Spotlights

2 Manuscript Submission
2.1 Instructions for submission
2.2 Peer review
2.2.1 Editorial evaluation
2.2.2 Review anonymity

3 Manuscript Preparation
3.1 Notes on language
3.1.1 Use of artificial intelligence tools
3.2 Cover letter
3.3 Manuscript main document
3.4 Nomenclature
3.5 Graphical abstract
3.6 Title
3.7 Author names, affiliation listings and dedications
3.8 Written abstract
3.9 Schemes, equation graphics, and figures
3.10 Tables
3.11 Experimental section
3.12 Acknowledgements
3.13 References
3.14 Funding information
3.15 Supplementary information
3.16 Ethical guidelines for research involving animals and human subjects

4 Article Processing Charges

5 Copyright and Open Access

6 Additional Information
6.1 Author accepted manuscript
6.2 Galley proofs
6.3 Reprints
6.4 Correspondence
6.5 Thieme's archival strategy



Quick Start Guide

This is a quick start guide to preparing an article for submission at SynOpen. For more details, please see the Full Author Guidelines below.


Article submission

Please prepare the manuscript in Word according to the Instructions for Authors with graphics and tables integrated into the text, using the article templates available from our website.

Manuscripts must be submitted via the SynOpen ManuscriptCentral site. We do not process manuscripts submitted by email.


Article processing charges

An article processing charge (APC) is applicable for every accepted manuscript, which covers the inherent charges associated with open access publishing. This fee for SynOpen is currently EUR 2740 / USD 3050 excluding VAT. Payment methods are indicated during the submission process.

For more information on open access publishing at Thieme, including the benefits of open access, our current funding agreements and our fee waiver programs, please visit our

open access hub


Files for submission

The following items are required for each submission:

  • Cover letter, outlining the importance of the work.
  • Manuscript main document, with all tables/figures/schemes embedded in the relevant positions. Template usage is highly recommended.
  • Supporting Information, if applicable, as a separate file. For specific information on the details required for experimental data in SynOpen, please refer to the Experimental Details section below.
  • Graphic files, preferably in one zip file.



  • Must be created in Word format.
  • Place each item (paragraph, graphic, etc.) in its own cell.


Author photos

  • For Reviews and Graphical Reviews only.
  • For optimum quality, please provide photos with at least 300 dpi.
  • JPG, PNG, or TIF file formats are recommended.


Graphics files

ChemDraw files are preferred, with the following settings and font size 7. We also accept IsisDraw, ChemWindows and Photoshop files, but please adhere to the same settings.


Images should fit into 1 or 2 columns. The maximum graphic width limits are:

  • 8.3 cm (3.3 in.) for 1-column width
  • 17.3 cm (6.8 in.) for 2-column width


Captions for graphic files should be given as part of the manuscript text, not as text within the graphic.

Please ensure that all graphics and tables are mentioned/cross-referenced in the text.


The Editorial Office is happy to offer advice concerning all technical aspects of manuscript submission:


Full Author Guidelines

1 Editorial Policy

For overarching Thieme editorial policies, please also see the Thieme Journal Policies page.


1.1 Journal policy on prior publication (e.g. on a preprint server)

Thieme journals encourage the submission of papers that have been deposited in an initial draft version in preprint repositories such as ChemRxiv, arXiv, bioRxiv, Research Square, arXiv, and medRxiv. 

A submitted manuscript (which is under review for publication in a journal) may be deposited on a preprint server at any time.

For further information, please see our Journal Policy on Prior Publication on the Thieme Author Lounge


1.2 Editorial evaluation

All articles submitted to SynOpen are evaluated by professional editors for appropriateness for publication. This evaluation procedure includes, but is not limited to, compliance to editorial ethical policy, scientific accuracy, originality, manuscript completeness, and general interest to the journal readership. All articles submitted to SynOpen are screened for plagiarized content from previously published sources.

Articles that pass editorial evaluation are sent for peer review for further assessment. Articles that are deemed as inappropriate may be rejected without consulting referees. For more details on our peer review, see §2.2 of these guidelines.


1.3 Article types

1.3.1 Original Papers report original research results that are of general interest to the journal readership. Original Papers typically comprise of the results from validation studies, in which results that confirm a valid hypothesis are discussed, but may also comprise of the results of negation studies that allow for the rejection of a previously formulated valid hypothesis. There is no length limit for Original Papers.

To aid the editorial assessment of Original Papers, authors are required to submit a brief statement of the significance of the work presented.


All Original Papers must contain:

  1. The source of all less common starting materials.
  2. Detailed experimental procedures.
  3. Limited comparative physical data from the literature and the corresponding reference or CAS number for known compounds.
  4. Clear formula schemes including reaction conditions and % yields.
  5. Notation of the scope and limitations of the work reported.
  6. Adequate citation of other work in the area.
  7. A full set of spectroscopic and physical data that allow for confirmation of structure, composition and purity for:
  • All new compounds with significantly different structures from each other
  • Representative examples of new compounds with similar structures when they are prepared by the same or similar methods
  • All isolated intermediates in multistep syntheses, except when they are too labile for analysis.


Compound characterization

A. For compounds that have not been previously reported in the literature:

  • isolated yield [% and mass yield (on g or mol scale)]
  • IR ,1H and 13C NMR spectroscopies
  • Mass spectrometry
  • physical state and color
  • melting point (for all solids)
  • optical rotation (if applicable)
  • retention factor and solvent details (if applicable)
  • elemental analysis (accepted tolerance ±0.4%). Where this is not possible (e.g. high molecular weight compounds), HRMS and 13C NMR data may be acceptable at the Editor’s discretion;


B. For compounds that are already known to the literature, at a minimum, the following is required:

  • 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopies
  • Mass spectrometry
  • A reference to the previously published results.


1.3.2 Letters (normally not to exceed 4 template-based pages, including tables, graphics, and references and notes) are preliminary reports of new research results, the significance of which to the scientific community justifies rapid communication. Authors are required to submit a brief statement of the significance of the work presented.  For Letters, a formal experimental section is not required. Authors are nevertheless asked to provide sufficient experimental details in the References and Notes section, such that important new work reported can be repeated (quantities of reactants and solvents, reaction time, reaction temperature, workup details, and yield data). In addition, physical and spectroscopic data for significant new compounds should be supplied, as well as microanalytical or HRMS and 13C NMR data when appropriate.


1.3.3 Practical Synthetic Procedures (PSPs, up to 4 template-based pages, including tables and graphics) present, in a compact form, useful and reliable procedures of interest for both academic and industrial chemists. Special attention should be given to Scope and Limitations of the described synthetic methods. PSP articles must satisfy the requirements given for papers and start with a scheme summarizing the procedure(s).


1.3.4 Reviews (up to 25 template-based pages, including tables and graphics) and Short Reviews (up to 10 template-based pages) present and critically evaluate recent developments and updates in a specific area of high interest to the readership. Review articles should not simply provide a summary and assessment of the current literature, but instead should provide insight into the field from a balanced perspective, discuss fundamental concepts and issues, as well as directions and an outlook for future development.


1.3.5 Graphical Reviews provide a concise overview of a current topic, highlighting historical background/origins of a research area and cutting-edge contributions along with the most recent developments. Text should be limited to a minimum. The current mechanistic understanding of a given transformation should be presented (can be speculative and thought-provoking); catalytic cycles are desirable whenever applicable. Representative examples of reaction scope should be shown to highlight the strengths and limitations (i.e., functional group compatibility) of a given method. In preparing graphical reviews, authors should ask themselves how they would prepare lecture notes on the topic. For an example, see


1.3.6 Spotlights (up to 3 template-based pages, including tables and graphics) highlight the preparation and uses of selected reagents and methods in current research, so the bulk of references should be from the recent literature. It is a review-type article and therefore should not contain any unpublished results.


2 Manuscript Submission

2.1 Instructions for submission

Manuscripts must be submitted online at do not process manuscripts submitted by email.

Commonly used text processors should be used for preparation of the manuscripts. The manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter, in which the authors briefly explain the significance of their findings and the interest to the readership of SynOpen. The system automatically converts source files (Word and PDF files) into a single Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the article, which is used in the peer-review process. Please note that even though manuscript source files are converted into PDF at submission for the review process, these source files are needed for further processing after acceptance.

All correspondence, including notification of the editor’s decision and requests for revision, takes place by email.


2.2 Peer review

2.2.1 Editorial evaluation

After submission, the manuscript receives a tracking-ID and undergoes a short formal check by the editorial office prior to being forwarded to an editorial board member, who then decides whether further review by external referees will be conducted.

By default, SynOpen uses Select Crowd Review for reviewing manuscripts. This typically provides a much faster review turnaround (ca. 1 week) compared to the traditional peer review method. Further information on this process can be found on our website:

Information on Select Crowd Review


Manuscripts that go through Select Crowd Review may also require traditional invited peer review under exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the handling editor. Authors who do not want their manuscript to be reviewed by the Crowd should indicate this during the submission process.

There is also the option to have your manuscript undergo the traditional peer review process. This can be indicated during manuscript submission.


2.2.2 Review anonymity

The standard anonymization at SynOpen is single-anonymized review. This means that referees evaluating the manuscript are anonymous to the authors at all stages, but reviewers can see all author details (names, affiliations) that are provided.

Authors at SynOpen may alternatively choose to have their manuscript assessed by double-anonymized review. In double-anonymized review, author names and affiliations are withheld from the reviewers. Authors who wish to opt for double-anonymized review should submit two versions of their manuscript:

  1. the normal, complete paper
  2. a second version in which the following information is deleted to render the manuscript anonymous:
    1. author names
    2. author affiliations
    3. funding information
    4. acknowledgments
    5. dedications

In addition, the use of neutral phrasing is strongly recommended when referring to own previous work. The manuscript's file name must clearly indicate that this version should be used for the double-anonymized review process.

Further details for reviewers can be found on the Reviewer Guidelines page on our website. 


3 Manuscript Preparation

Authors should first examine current articles from SynOpen for guidance with respect to format, style, and presentation. We generally follow style guidelines set forth by the American Chemical Society.


3.1 Notes on language

The language of publication is English. When this is not the author’s first language, we recommend that the manuscript undergo language polishing from someone with very good English writing skills before submission. Thieme offers a language editing service for manuscripts in partnership with Enago, a world-leading provider of author services to researchers around the world. Authors can choose from a range of editing services and get their manuscripts edited by Enago’s professional editors. Authors that wish to use this service will receive a 20% discount on all editing services. To find out more information or get a quote, please visit British and American spellings are both acceptable, but the style should remain consistent throughout a manuscript.


3.1.1 Use of artificial intelligence (AI) text- or image-generation tools

AI tools such as ChatGPT can make scholarly contributions to papers. Any use of generative AI tools should be properly documented in in the Acknowledgements or Material and Methods sections. AI tools should not be listed as authors, as they do not fulfil all criteria for authorship: they cannot take responsibility for the integrity and the content of a paper, and they cannot take on legal responsibility.

Authors are liable for every part of their manuscript, including those parts created with the help of an AI.


3.2 Cover letter

This is important for editorial evaluation and should briefly highlight the significance and urgency of the submitted work and provide details of other relevant information (for example, submitted or manuscripts currently in press).


3.3 Manuscript main document

It is necessary to embed the tables/figures/schemes in the relevant position of the manuscript file. The manuscript (main text, tables, structural formulas, and figures) should be submitted as one file.
Authors are strongly encouraged to use the templates for manuscript preparation, available at:

Manuscripts can also be submitted without using the template, although this is not the preferred option. All non-template manuscripts must still be presented in a format that is both logical and easy to follow, otherwise they may be rejected without evaluation. All graphics and tables must be integrated into this file.


3.4 Nomenclature should be based on the systematic rules adopted by the IUPAC or Chemical Abstracts. We recommend that authors check their nomenclature carefully before submission. Trivial names should be avoided unless they offer a distinct advantage over the corresponding systematic names.

The use of abbreviations is recommended in the experimental section, tables, and formula schemes, but should not be used in the title, abstract or text. Common abbreviations, such as t-Bu, Et, Me, Ph, DMF, mp, mL, mmol, and min, do not need to be defined; less common or ambiguous abbreviations should be defined when they first appear (see also the abbreviation list at: SI Units should be used.


3.5 Graphical abstract

An image representing a visual summary of the work performed, must be provided [maximum dimensions 11 × 5 cm (4.3 × 2.0 in.), using the same settings as required for all other drawings]. The graphical abstract, which appears in the Table of Contents and on the first manuscript page, will often determine whether a reader continues to read the full article. Therefore, accurate, informative, and clear graphics are required. and the use of color is strongly encouraged. Graphical abstracts should convey the major point of the article to the reader; equations given should be clear and substantive information (yields, substrate scope, reaction conditions, etc.) should be included.

The graphical abstract does not replace the written abstract. Samples are available for download from:


3.6 The title (maximum 200 characters, including spaces) should reflect the contents of the manuscript. It should be a clear, concise descriptor of the research, avoiding ambiguity. Unnecessary and non-lasting phrases, such as “A study of…”, or “Recent developments on...” should be avoided.


3.7 Author names, affiliation listings, and dedications

Authors should provide full author names in the manuscript file. Only those who contributed significantly to the research should be listed as authors. Guest authorship is forbidden. Please refer to the Thieme Journal Policies for more information on authorship and contributorship.

Use superscript letter labels (a, b, etc.) to relate authors to affiliations and addresses (to be provided below the author list), and an asterisk(*) to indicate the author to whom correspondence regarding the paper should be addressed. Correspondence authors should also include their e-mail address under their affiliation listing.

Equally contributing authors should be additionally labelled with a superscript “+” [plus sign] in the author list and a short footnote added below the affiliation listings.

Deceased or incapacited authors should be additionally labelled with a superscript “†” [dagger symbol] in the author list and a footnote added below the affiliation listings.

A short dedication to a person, group of persons, or noteworthy occasion may appear after the affiliation listings.

Authors who opt for double-anonymized peer review should refer to §2.2.2 of this guideline for details on how to anonymize their manuscript.


3.8 Written abstract 

All articles must contain a written abstract, which should summarize the results and conclusions of the research performed. The abstract will be used to represent a manuscript in public databases (e.g. Web of Science, PubMed) and should function as a standalone text and must not reference compound numbers, citations, or manuscript schemes, figures, or tables. The use of abbreviations should be avoided and where used, also fully explained. For best search engine optimization; to ensure the article can be readily found online, important article keywords should appear in the abstract.


3.9 Schemes, equation graphics, and figures require unique titles and must be referred to in the text. Images can only be named Scheme, Figure, or Equation. In Schemes (which show reactions) where the reaction conditions are not given in the caption, reagents and conditions should appear above the arrow, with yields and selectivity results below the arrow. For images with more than one section, appropriate labels (A, B, C, etc.) should be used and the figure inserted in the manuscript as one complete image, including all labels. Please do not add labels as separate objects (e.g. text boxes) over the top of embedded images. Embedded images should have at least 300 dpi to ensure high final manuscript quality and all text should be large enough to be easily readable when sized to the appropriate column width.

All images must comply with copyright and reuse guidelines. To use any image, or part of an image, that has already been published under copyright, permission to reproduce must be obtained from the copyright holder. A statement of reproduction permission must be included in the appropriate image caption and the original source must be included in the article reference section.

ChemDraw files are preferred, with the following settings and font size 7. We also accept IsisDraw, ChemWindows and Photoshop files, but please adhere to the same settings.

Images should fit into 1 or 2 columns. The maximum graphic width limits are:

  • 8.3 cm (3.3 in.) for 1-column width
  • 17.3 cm (6.8 in.) for 2-column width


Captions for graphic files should be given as part of the manuscript text, not as text within the graphic.

Please ensure that all graphics and tables are mentioned/cross-referenced in the text.

Color graphics will appear as such in the galley proof and in the final electronic version of the manuscript. SynOpen does not charge for the use of color images in manuscript.


3.10 Tables must be created in Word format and must have a title. Table footnotes may be used and superscript letters (a,b,c, etc.) should be used as footnote designators. Tables should not be inserted as image files, unless exceptional circumstances require this.


3.11 Experimental section

For Original Papers and Practical Synthetic Procedures, the experimental section must contain all the information necessary to guarantee reproducibility. In an introductory paragraph, information concerning solvents, sources of less common starting materials, and makes and models of instrumentation used in the collection of analytical data should be detailed. Procedures should be written in the past tense, and include the weight, mmol, volume, etc. in brackets after the names of the substances or solvent, for example:

“... To a solution of (1S)-(+)-camphorsulfonyl chloride (2.5 g, 10.0 mmol) in MeOH (20 mL) was added ...” 

A precise workup procedure containing all details, including, for example, the amount of solvent used for extraction and details of chromatographic purification, should be given. All compounds, solvents and drying agents should be named; common abbreviations and formulas such as THF and CH2Cl2 should be used. Physical and spectroscopic data should be included in the experimental section or, in cases where a large number of compounds are prepared, presented in tables. Spectroscopic data should be presented according to the ACS Style Guide and be stated in the order and format shown in the following examples:

Mp 241–234 °C; [α]D20 +25.4 (c 1.00, CHCl3); Rf = 0.3 (hexanes–EtOAc, 5:1).

IR (KBr): 3245, 3120, 1720, 1690, 1535, 1460 cm–1.

1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3): d = 2.44 (s, 3 H, CH3), 2.79 (s, 3 H, COCH3), 7.20 (d, J = 8.1 Hz, 1 H, H-7), 7.51 (d, J = 6.3 Hz, 1 H, H-8), 7.85 (s, 1 H, H-5), 17.75 (s, 1 H, OH).

13C NMR (100 MHz, DMSO-d6): δ = 8.9, 30.3, 51.9, 66.2, 169.6, 178.8.

NMR data for other nuclei likewise.

MS (EI, 70 eV): m/z (%) = 213.9 (90), 270.2 (100) [M + H]+.

HRMS–FAB: m/z [M + H]+ calcd for C21H38N4O6S: 475.5285; found: 475.5267.

UV/Vis (CH2Cl2): λmax (log ε) = 236 (4.00), 278 (4.59), 284 (4.57), 329 nm (3.41); or UV (CH2Cl2): λmax (ε) = 268 (21900), 458 nm (68800).

Anal. Calcd for C32H50BrP: C, 70.44; H, 9.24. Found: C, 70.32; H, 9.43.


Physical appearance (color, state) and yield are required for all compounds described in the experimental section. Product yields should be given in terms of g or mol as well as in % and it should be specified if this is for crude or pure product.


For Letters, a formal experimental section is not required. Authors are nevertheless asked to provide sufficient experimental details in the References and

Notes section, such that important new work reported can be repeated (quantities of reactants and solvents, reaction time, reaction temperature, workup details, and yield data). In addition, physical and spectroscopic data for significant new compounds should be supplied, as well as microanalytical or HRMS and 13C NMR data when appropriate.


Experimental safety notices

Where appropriate, authors should give a comment to significant hazards or risks associated with their research and experimental methods. Examples include the use of chemicals with known extreme toxicity, and the use of chemicals with extreme sensitivities to e.g. temperature or pressure.


Crystallographic data

Complete X-ray data will not be published. These data should be deposited at an appropriate international data institute, and the deposition number cited in a reference. If a representation of the crystal structure (e.g., ORTEP) is to be included, it should be accompanied by the following data: (1) formula, (2) crystal data, (3) method of collection, (4) methods of structure solution and refinement, and (5) selected bond lengths and angles.


CAS registry numbers may be supplied in the following format [CAS Reg. No. xxxxxx-xx-x] and placed under the compound name title.


3.12 Acknowledgments should be brief and placed before the References. This section should be used to acknowledge the contributions of funding agencies, institutions, or people who contributed to the work, but not in a capacity to be listed as a manuscript author.


3.13 References should be placed collectively after the Acknowledgments and numbered consecutively.

Authors are encouraged to list all relevant references and cite extensively. When including references, please use the <…> citation style. Cited work that is unpublished at the moment of submission (“submitted”, “accepted for publication” or “in press”) must be provided as part of the “Supporting Information (for peer-review only)”. References to articles submitted to preprint servers (i.e., ChemRxiv) should be provided including the respective DOI. When one reference number contains more than one citation, please separate them into (a), (b), (c), etc. (see example 3). Provide the names and initials of all authors and do not use et al. Use journal abbreviations in accordance with Chemical Abstracts (Chemical Abstracts Source Index, CASSI). Please do not use tabs.


Examples of references

New address: (1) New address: D. Trauner, Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.

Single article reference: (2) Badart, M. P.; Hawkins, B. C. Synthesis 2021, 53, 1683.

Multiple article references: (3) (a) Majdecki, M.; Niedbała, P.; Jurczak, J. ChemistrySelect 2020, 5, 6424. (b) Majdecki, M.; Tyszka-Gumkowska, A.; Jurczak, J. Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 8687. (c) Majdecki, M.; Grodek, P.; Jurczak, J. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 86, 995.

Book: (4) Pazenok, S.; Leroux, F. R. In Frontiers of Organofluorine Chemistry; Ojima I. (Ed.); World Scientific: London, 2020, 695.

In-press article: (5) Neufeld, J.; Stünkel, T.; Mück-Lichtenfeld, C.; Daniliuc, C. G.; Gilmour, R. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, in press; DOI: 10.1002/anie.202102222.

Patent: (6) Usenko, R. M.; Slyvka, M. V.; Lendel, V. H. UA Patent 107674, 2015.

Website: (7) IUPAC; IUPAC FAIR Chemistry Updates, 2023, accessed 9 May, 2023.

Theses/Dissertation: Smith, D. Synthesis and optical properties of functionalized BODIPY analogues [doctoral thesis], University of Illinois, 2020.

Preprint: Rund, K.; Carpanedo, L.; Lauterbach, R.; Wermund, T.; West, A.; Wende, L.; Calder, P.; Schebb, N.H. LC-ESI-HRMS - lipidomics of phospholipids – Characterization of extraction, separation and detection parameters, ChemRxiv. Cambridge: Cambridge Open Engage; 2023, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-d3wrv.


3.14 Funding information should include all funding sources and funder grant/award numbers relevant to the manuscript.


3.15 Supplementary information: Copies of all experimental spectra of all isolated new and important intermediate compounds are required in the Supporting Information file. If cited in the reference section, copies of unpublished papers that are “submitted”, “accepted for publication” or “in press”; both in Word or PDF format. These will be used in the reviewing process and the spectra can also be published online if indicated.


Primary NMR data (optional) are the data in their original format as obtained from the NMR machine, i.e., the free induction decay (FID). Authors who wish to present NMR spectra also as primary data should deposit them with Zenodo ( before they submit their manuscript to us. Zenodo is a general-purpose open-access repository developed by CERN that allows researchers to deposit data sets. The DOI provided by Zenodo upon upload of the primary data should be included in the manuscript prior to submission.


3.16 Ethical guidelines for research involving animals and human subjects

Please see the section on Research Ethics in the Thieme Journal Policies for full guidelines on ethical approval for research involving animals or human subjects.

Please note that this includes (but is not limited to) research involving the use of researchers for testing wearable technology or sensors or human tissue samples (including all bodily fluids).


4 Article Processing Charges

An article processing charge (APC) will be charged for every accepted manuscript published in SynOpen. This fee reflects and covers the cost of article production, including editorial and typesetting costs, maintenance of online infrastructure etc. The APC is currently EUR 2740 / USD 3050, excluding VAT. An article will only be published once payment has been received. We strongly recommend that you ask your funding agency or librarian about possibilities for covering these costs. Many grant-giving bodies have special funds reserved for APCs. Please note that there are no submission charges.

If you have a submission voucher for a APC fee reduction, you will be asked to fill in the code number when asked for payment after acceptance of the manuscript.


5 Copyright and Open Access

Articles in SynOpen are published under a CC-BY license. Read more here:

The License to Publish author agreement form can be downloaded here:

If other licenses are required, please contact


6 Additional Information

6.1 Publication of manuscripts immediately upon Acceptance (Author Accepted Manuscript; AAM)

SynOpen offers its authors the option to have their manuscripts published immediately upon acceptance. This means that the unedited, unformatted version of the manuscript as it stands after peer review is published online with a DOI and is thus available for citation directly after acceptance. A precondition to this is that the confirmation that the License to Publish (LTP) will be signed upon receipt.


Implications of “accepted manuscript” publication

Once the paper has been accepted, the last clean version of the manuscript, including all metadata entered during submission (title, abstract, author affiliations etc.), becomes the first version of the article to be published online. This means that no changes can be made to the submitted clean version as this version will be published as the “Accepted Manuscript”, should it be accepted. Changes made by the authors will only be possible during the galley proof corrections. This means in detail:

  • For all authors, the affiliation information entered during submission will be published.
  • If an author is already in the system, please use “Edit” to update the address information, if necessary.
  • The order of authors entered during submission will be the order of authors on the “Accepted Manuscript”.
  • All authors named under step “Authors & Institutions” agree to the publication and signing of the LTP.
  • The conflict of interest and funding information will be published as entered at the step “Details & Comments”.
  • Instructions and further information are available during the submission process and upon request to the Editorial Office.


6.2 Galley proofs will be sent to the corresponding author by e-mail as a PDF file for corrections. Authors may be required to provide additional information at the proof stage to comply with the above instructions.


6.3 Reprints

Authors receive electronic reprints in PDF format free of charge after publication.


6.4 Correspondence concerning accepted manuscripts and galley proofs should be directed to:


6.5 Thieme's archival strategy 

Thieme ensures the long-term preservation and future availability of its digital journal content by cooperating with the digital archive providers CLOCKSS and Portico. The journals are digitally preserved, and the papers remain available and accessible via CLOCKSS and Portico, even if the content is no longer offered by Thieme. All published papers remain part of the scholarly record through this archival strategy.

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