The Benefits of Publishing in Thieme Chemistry Journals

We provide a fast, fair and high-quality service for our authors throughout the publishing process. With our focus on chemical synthesis and related areas we guarantee you very high visibility within the scientific community. We offer:

Article-Related Services


  • Color-printed pages are available without any additional charges.


Editorial Service

Our editorial team of PhD chemists and production editors provides excellent service with a personal touch. Our copyeditors ensure a consistent language, style, and format as well as content consistency, preparing your manuscript for the next stage of publication.

A Fair and Fast Review Process


  • The reviewing process is handled by our highly respected editorial board members.
  • In SYNLETT and SynOpen, you have the option to choose between classic peer review and select crowd review, which is a fast, interactive, and safe review process.
  • To make the review process as time-efficient as possible, we offer respected services and tools, for examplre from Enago and Clarivate.


Open Access Publication


  • If you prefer to publish open access in hybrid journals (SYNTHESIS and SYNLETT) you can choose between green and gold open access.
  • Articles in our open access journals are published under a CC BY license.
  • Furthermore, we offer waivers and discounts for various institutions and consortia – please check here whether your instituion is eligible: Open Access Funding Agreements


Prizes & Awards

We want to ensure that you will be able to continue to produce excellent research in the future. Therefore, we actively support researchers through our award program.



Increased Visibility


  • Depending on the quality of your research and graphical abstract, your article might be selected as front cover of an issue by our editors.
  • We regularly post content from our journals, e.g. editor’s choice articles, on our social media channels to increase the potential reach of your publication.
  • We promote your contributions to our Special Issues/Topics and Clusters as well as the most-cited articles in monthly newsletters and on social media.
  • Your Original Papers and Letters have a chance of being highlighted by our editors in SYNFACTS.


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