Interview with Florian Beuerle
This Young Career Focus presents Florian Beuerle (Julius Maximilian University Würzburg, Germany). Florian Beuerle studied chemistry at Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen (Germany) and graduated with a diploma in 2005. After working under the guidance of Professor Dr. Andreas Hirsch on the regioselective functionalization and antioxidant properties of [60]fullerene derivatives, he obtained his PhD in 2008. Then he moved as a Feodor Lynen fellow of the Humboldt Foundation to the group of Sir Fraser Stoddart at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL (USA) for postdoctoral research. In 2010, he returned to Germany and started his independent academic career as a junior research group leader at Julius Maximilian University in Würzburg (Germany) supported by a Liebig fellowship of the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie. Current research interests of the Beuerle group include covalent organic cage compounds, porous materials, supramolecular and nanosystems chemistry.
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