Lanthanum-Catalyzed Olefination of Benzylamines with 2-Methylquinoline via Tandem Oxidation/Benzylidene Addition
Limin Wang presents the lanthanum-catalyzed olefination of benzylamines with 2-methylquinoline.
Lanthanum Pentafluorobenzoate-Catalyzed Aerobic Oxidative Olefination of Benzylamines with 2-Methylquinoline through Deamination and C–H Bond Functionalization: D. Mao, X. Zhu, G. Hong, S. Wu, L. Wang
Synlett 2016, 27, DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1562477
Development of environmentally compatible multistep reactions is at the core of modern organic synthesis. Of particular interest are novel and efficient oxidative processes relying on atmospheric oxygen as the oxidant. Recently, Professor Limin Wang from the Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials and Institute of Fine Chemicals, East China University of Science and Technology (P. R. of China) and co-workers have published an efficient and versatile olefination reaction that assembles 2-methylquinoline and a variety of benzylamines under lanthanum catalysis.
Professor Wang said: “Lanthanum pentafluorobenzoate catalyzed aerobic oxidative olefination of 2-methylquinoline with benzylamines – under air and without any extra oxidant – has been developed for the first time.”