Pharmaceutical Substances - FAQ
If you have any questions which are not answered below please contact us and we will endeavor to help you with your enquiry.
Frequently Asked Questions
When conducting a search for patent information I type in the patent code as seen in another database but I get no hits even though I am sure that this compound appears in Pharmaceutical Substances. Why?
In order to search the patent references contained in Pharmaceutical Substances the patent number has to be entered in a specific format. In Pharmaceutical Substances each patent reference is entered in three digit groups separated by a space. See below:
AU 9 189 615
DE 70 459
DRP 327 129
EP 33 538
GB 800 635
US 5 159 104So if you have a five digit code enter the first three numbers, then add a space, and then enter the final two numbers.
How can I find information in Pharmaceutical Substances on patent expiry dates?
Pharmaceutical Substances is intended as a reference work that allow the user to rapidly assess the relevance of a compound for their purposes, and directs the user to the correct source of information within the primary literature. Hence, it does not contain comprehensive patent information, expiry data is not included. However, all patent applications are included, so that when this product is used in conjunction with a patent database the user can quickly find the information they need.
I use Pharmaceutical Substances and other references including patent databases, citation indices, and reference works on synthetic methodologies (such as Science of Synthesis). Is it possible to create links between these individual resources?
Pharmaceutical Substances has been developed using a framework that can potentially allow users to integrate the program with all other online Thieme Chemistry products at some point in the future. However, at present the cross linking software is being developed and will not be implemented in the near future. Please visit this web site for any future developments in product integration.
When searching using a substructure I obtain numerous hits that do not relate to the compound for which I am searching. Why?
If you have entered a structure that contains only the carbon atom framework without the correct bond orders the program will not recognize the fragment as a substructure contained in your particular substance. Please ensure that all bond orders within the fragment are correct. If the problem persists please contact us for assistance.
The reaction schemes on the screen appear to have a good resolution but when I print them out the images seem rather pixilated. Is this normal?
Although the resolution of the structures contained in Pharmaceutical Substances have been enhanced since the production of the CD-ROM edition they are still intended for on screen viewing. As such the resolution of the printed monographs is not optimal and is designed to be readable but not to be used for reproduction on other media.
When entering an INN in the query list and then clicking on the index button a list of every compound available is produced on the left hand side of the screen. However, when I click on a name I am not taken to the compound. Why not?
The INN of the entry which you have clicked on now appears in the search field on the right. If you now press the search button you will be taken straight to the relevant monograph.
In the table labeled "Substances Referenced in Synthesis Path" molecular entities appear with a molecular formula but no name or CAS-RN. Why?
These entities represent a molecule that may only be a transitory intermediate that is not isolable, or it may be of undetermined structure. As such this molecule has not been assigned a CAS-RN or a systematic name.
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