Photochemical Generation of Radicals from Alkyl Electrophiles Using a Nucleophilic Organic Catalyst
Professor Melchiorre presents the organocatalyzed, photochemical generation of radicals from alkyl electrophiles.
Photocatalysis continues to represent a vibrant area of research in modern organic synthesis. Recently, a new photochemical strategy for generating radicals has been developed by Professor Paolo Melchiorre and co-workers from the Institut Català d’Investigació Química (ICIQ, Tarragona, Spain). Professor Melchiorre explained: “The motivation at the basis of this research project was the following: Radical chemistry offers powerful and unique ways of making molecules, that are often complementary to classical methods proceeding via ionic pathways. Advances within the field have been spurred by the identification of powerful strategies that allow access to radicals under mild conditions. Ultimately, all modern radical generation strategies rely on the bond dis-sociation energy (BDE) or the redox properties of the precursors to form the target open-shell intermediate. The synthetic potential of radical chemistry would therefore be greatly expanded by methods that go beyond these established activation manifolds to provide complementary ways of generating open-shell intermediates.”
Read the full article Photochemical Generation of Radicals from Alkyl Electrophiles Using a Nucleophilic Organic Catalyst