
Thieme Poster Prize awarded at the 44th South African Chemical Institute's National Convention (SACI-44)

The Thieme Poster Prize was awarded to Amusat Sefiu Olaitan from University of South Africa (South Africa) and Matumelo Veronica Ndlovu from Tshwane University of Technology (South Africa) at the 44th South African Chemical Institute's National Convention (SACI-44), which took place in Stellenbosch (South Africa) from Januar 13-18, 2023. Congratulations!


Amusat Sefiu Olaitan

Amusat Sefiu Olaitan from University of South Africa (South Africa) wins the prize for his poster ´Ball-milled biochar derived from sweet prickly pear for the removal of Bisphenol A (BPA) from wastewater`. He receives a one-year subscription to SYNFACTS.


Matumelo Veronica Ndlovu

Matumelo Veronica Ndlovu from Tshwane University of Technology (South Africa) wins the prize for her poster Biocatalytic and Stereoselective Synthesis of Chiral Oxygenated Heterocycles. She receives a one-year subscription to SYNFACTS.


We warmly congratulate them on this award and look forward to new developments in their research career!


Read more about the 44th South African Chemical Institute's National Convention here.

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