• Asymmetric Organocatalysis

    Asymmetric Organocatalysis

  • Professor Benjamin List, Dr. Joe Richmond, Professor Keiji Maruoka

    Professor Benjamin List, Dr. Joe Richmond and Professor Keiji Maruoka visiting the Editorial Office in Stuttgart


Asymmetric Organocatalysis

Authoritative, broad overview of the field compiled by 74 experts. Critical presentation of the best organocatalytic and related methodologies available today for practical asymmetric synthesis. Provides alternative, greener syntheses with simple and easily used catalysts helping avoid the use of expensive and/or toxic metals.

Asymmetric Organocatalysis is the first reference work giving an overview of this dynamic, young field that is rapidly gaining significance for economical and environmentally friendly organic synthesis. It comprehensively covers all the catalysts and reactions within the four distinct activation modes: Brondsted base catalysis, Brondsted acid catalysis, Lewis base catalysis and Lewis acid catalysis. Typical or general experimental procedures as well as mechanistic, technical and theoretical aspects are included, allowing the reader to clearly see how simple, clean and efficient this chemistry is.

Asymmetric Organocatalysis 1: Lewis Base and Acid Catalysts (TOC/Abstracts)


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Prof. Benjamin List

Prof. Benjamin List Volume Editor Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung Mülheim a. d. Ruhr, Germany

Asymmetric Organocatalysis 2: Brondsted Base and Acid Catalysts, and Additional Topics (TOC/Abstracts)

Prof. Keiji Maruoka

Prof. Keiji Maruoka Volume Editor Kyoto University, Japan

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Ben List: "I am proud to have helped co-editing the Science of Synthesis two-volume set on Asymmetric Organocatalysis, which has been written by the top leaders in the field. In my biased opinion, this product is the ultimate and comprehensive reference work on the ever growing area it covers. Its organization is highly logical and, following the great tradition of the Science of Synthesis books, typical experimental procedures are provided as an additional attractive and useful feature."

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