Science of Synthesis Early Career Advisory Board: Call for Nominations
Science of Synthesis is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the 2025–2027 term of the Early Career Advisory Board (ECAB) to help promote young talented chemists.
The Science of Synthesis Early Career Advisory Board (ECAB) is a three year programme for young chemists. Science of Synthesis invites early career researchers to apply and be part of the Early Career Advisory Board.
Early career researchers are defined as those who have completed their PhD in the past 10 years or who are within the first 5 years of their independent research career (applicants from both industry and academia are welcome). A typical term for this board will be three years with renewal possible if eligibility continues to be met. Members of the Early Career Advisory Board may be invited also to work on other Thieme Chemistry products/journals.
Are you an early career researcher? If yes, now is your chance to become part of the Early Career Advisory Board! You will have the opportunity to be an ambassador for Science of Synthesis and to be networking with internationally renowned chemists. See all your benefits and the application procedure at a glance here:
Main Responsibilities:
Be an ambassador for Science of Synthesis and promote the product at conferences, through social media and your network
Provide feedback to the Science of Synthesis Editorial Board and the Thieme Chemistry Product Management team on request
Help demo the Science of Synthesis digital product to students and interested parties and encourage usage
Help the Science of Synthesis editorial team in defining use cases and the acquisition of relevant case studies
Help us reach new markets and develop creative digital solutions for chemists
Help us promote our values regarding diversity, equality, and inclusion within the chemistry community
First-hand experience of STM publishing
Insights into digital product development and new peer review solutions (e.g., Select Crowd Review) from Thieme Chemistry
Collaboration with the Science of Synthesis Editorial Board
New networking opportunities with peers worldwide
Personal access to Science of Synthesis and other Thieme Chemistry journals/databases
Invites to user research sessions and virtual events
On occasion invitation to Science of Synthesis authors/editor dinners at conferences
We will accept nominations from anyone working within the field of chemistry, including our editors, authors, and current early-career board members, as well as personal applications. If you would like to submit a personal application, please send us your CV and a short statement as to why you would like to become a member of the Early Career Advisory Board. Deadline for submission of your application for the January 1st, 2025 until December 31st, 2027 term is July 31st, 2024. Please send your application to All applications will be considered by the Science of Synthesis Editorial Board. We will notify the successful candidates in November 2024. Please note all your applications will be treated confidentially.
Science of Synthesis is looking forward to your application and to welcome you to their team!
Please note that membership of the Early Career Advisory Board is voluntary and there is no monetary exchange involved or any form of benefit that would cause a conflict of interest. Thieme Chemistry and Science of Synthesis reserves the right of termination. All names and photos will be posted (after written permission) to the Science of Synthesis Website on a special page dedicated to the Early Career Advisory Board. Thieme Chemistry team places an emphasis on diversity, equality, and inclusion and is a member of the RSC Joint Commitment for Action on Inclusion and Diversity in Publishing.
Further information
Editorial Office Fax:+49-711-8931-777 E-Mail