• Multicomponent Reactions

    Multicomponent Reactions


Multicomponent Reactions

Comprehensive coverage of a field which is of great interest to the synthetic organic chemist. Compiled by 63 leading chemists in the multicomponent reactions field. Presentation of the best methodologies available today.

The two volumes Science of Synthesis: Multicomponent Reactions critically review the state of the art of domino, sequential, and consecutive multicomponent reactions. They serve as the basis for practical appplication to reach the goals of diversity-oriented synthesis, reaction design, and novel synthetic concepts. As is typical for the Science of Synthesis series, the reference work on multicomponent reactions presents the best synthetic methods as judged by experts in the field and includes typical and general experimental procedures.

Multicomponent Reactions 1: Reactions Involving a Carbonyl Compound as Electrophilic Component (TOC/Abstracts/Volume Editor's Preface) 

Multicomponent Reactions 2: Reactions Involving an α,β-Unsaturated Carbonyl Compound as Electrophilic Component (TOC/Abstracts/Volume Editor's Preface)


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Thomas J. J. Müller

Prof. Thomas J. J. Müller Volume Editor Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany

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