Release 4.19

Release: SOS 4.19, October 2020


Software/User Interface

  1. New drawing tool: SOS now incorporates the chemical drawing tool Marvin JS from ChemAxon.
  2. The Name-to-Structure feature has been improved. 
  3. Structure and reaction search options have been extended to exact, substructure, and “smart” searches.
  4. Substructure highlighting is available in the single step reactions view.
  5. Searching for compounds by InChI Key is now possible.
  6. Name reaction search: currently under development and available within the advanced search.
  7. Shibboleth/OpenAthens is supported, allowing easier access to SOS from outside your institution's network
  8. To allow SOS to take advantage of newer technology, Internet Explorer is no longer supported. Please use a more modern browser such as Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Opera.



For more details please see here (pdf).

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