Stereoselective Synthesis
The best and most reliable methods for the preparation of nonracemic compounds. With typical experimental procedures for broad utility and application. Compiled by over 120 expert authors.
In Stereoselective Synthesis expert authors present the best and most reliable methods currently available for the preparation of nonracemic compounds. These methods may be stoichiometric or catalytic, and the latter may include metal, organic, or enzyme catalysis. The three volumes of Stereoselective Synthesis provide an invaluable resource to the practicing synthetic organic chemist.
Stereoselective Synthesis 1: Stereoselective Reactions of Carbon—Carbon Double Bonds (TOC/Abstracts/Volume Editor's Preface)
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Stereoselective Synthesis 2: Stereoselective Reactions of Carbonyl and Imino Groups (TOC/Abstracts/Volume Editor's Preface)
Stereoselective Synthesis 3: Stereoselective Pericyclic Reactions, Cross Coupling, C—H and C—X Activation (TOC/Abstracts/Volume Editor's Preface)
Adriaan J. Minnaard, University of Groningen: "Stereoselective Synthesis focuses on topics that have seen considerable progress and are most relevant for synthesis. As a hallmark of the Science of Synthesis series, it provides in addition selected general experimental procedures. Stereoselective Synthesis is a milestone, reflecting the progress in the field, a pleasure to read or just browse."
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