Multicatalysis Protocol Enables Direct and Versatile Enantioselective Reductive Transformations of Secondary Amides
Pei-Qiang Huang presents reductive transformations of secondary amides using a multicatalysis protocol.
α-Stereogenic amines are ubiquitous in biologically active natural products, medicinal agents, and agrochemicals. Amides have long been considered as ideal starting materials for the synthesis of functionalized amines, because of their ready availability and high stability. However, the latter property renders the direct conversion of amides into amines challenging, which is particularly true for catalytic asymmetric transformations such as the catalytic, asymmetric reductive alkynylation and reductive alkylation of secondary amides. Indeed, these transformations – according to Professor Pei-Qiang Huang from Xiamen University (P. R. of China) – remain unconquered.
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