Professors Laurence Harwood and Daniel Seidel on the Open Access Journal SynOpen

This Editorial Board Focus presents the views of Laurence Harwood and Daniel Seidel on the journal SynOpen.

SynOpen was launched in 2017 and, like its sister journals SYNTHESIS and SYNLETT, is geared towards publishing high-quality work that deserves to be considered for publication in an open-access  format. SynOpen is an international peer-reviewed journal reporting current research results in the chemical sciences mainly but not exclusively, in the areas of synthesis, catalysis, organometallic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, photochemistry, polymers and materials synthesis. SynOpen offers the opportunity to publish both experimental and theoretical studies as well as to publish primary scientific data. It also publishes insightful review articles intended for new researchers as well as specialists in these fields. SynOpen is indexed in Web of Science  as well as in Scopus and will receive an impact factor in 2023. SYNFORM spoke to Professors Laurence M. Harwood (UK, Editor-in-Chief of SynOpen) and Daniel Seidel (USA, Executive Editor of SynOpen), who were happy to share some background information regarding the journal and its unique features.

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