SYNTHESIS Editor was awarded the Horst-Pracejus-Award 2017

On March 13, 2017, SYNTHESIS Editor Thorsten Bach will be presented the Horst-Pracejus-Award by the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) at the Chemiedozententagung in Marburg, Germany.

We warmly congratulate Professor Thorsten Bach on this great achievement and look forward to new developments in his research!

The award is named after the German chemist Horst Prajecus (1927-1987). He was particularly known for his research in the field of chiral catalysis and worked as head of the Catalysis Research Institute in Rostock, Germany. Since 1999, the GDCh has been honoring outstanding chemists researching in the field of enantioselectivity or chirality biennially.

Previous awardees of the Horst-Pracejus-Award:

  • 2015: Dean Toste, Berkeley (USA)
  • 2013: Benjamin List, Mülheim (Germany)
  • 2011: Uwe Meierhenrich, Nizza (France)
  • 2009: Hans-Ulrich Blaser, Basel (Switzerland)
  • 2007: Henri B. Kagan, Paris (France)
  • 2005: John M. Brown, Oxford (UK)
  • 2003: Andreas Pfaltz, Basel (Switzerland)
  • 2001: Günter Helmchen, Heidelberg (Germany)
  • 1999: Henri Brunner, Regensburg (Germany)


Read more about the Horst-Pracejus-Award here.

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