Why SOS?

Science of Synthesis is a reference work that has been designed to address the chemistry information needs of the organic synthetic chemist and, more specifically, to help all those involved in designing organic synthetic routes, whether for research purposes or teaching and/or learning, by providing trusted and reliable information on the best synthetic methods available.

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Community of Experts

Assembled by over 2,000 leading experts from both industry and academia, providing a balanced and critical analysis of the entire organic and organometallic chemistry literature. Nobel prize winners among the authors and editors involved.

Tacit Knowledge

Academic and industrial experts provide tacit knowledge about tried and tested synthetic methods and procedures from the primary, secondary and tertiary literature. Analysis of overall transformation in context together with scope and limitations of different methods. The only resource providing full-text descriptions of organic transformations and synthetic methods as well as experimental procedures.

Easily Accessible and Searchable

Easily accessible via a modern Web interface. The intuitive search function allows rapid lead generation and route optimization. Search results are illustrated with detailed reaction schemes and can be saved in a MySOS account, as well as personal settings and search queries. All chapters can be printed and downloaded as PDFs.  

Immediately Applicable in the Lab

Effective and practical experimental procedures can also be implemented quickly and easily in the lab. This enables the chemist to get started immediately with the design and planning of a synthesis.

Logically Organized by Functional Group

The systematic, logical and consistent organization of the synthetic methods for each functional group enables users to find out which methods are useful for a particular synthesis and which are not.

Time Saving

Science of Synthesis saves valuable time when planning a synthesis by enabling researchers to quickly gain specialized knowledge about a particular field in chemistry.

Useful Resource for Teaching and Consulting

Encourages learning and understanding of complicated chemical concepts through its didactic presentation. Intuitive interface and logical organization of methods in context helps with teaching and consulting. Easy to quickly gain an overview of a specialized field.

Up-to-date and Inclusion of Exciting New Topics

Continual updating of the electronic version means that the content remains pertinent and relevant to the synthetic organic chemist’s needs. Supplementing current content with special topics acknowledges the broad spectrum of organic chemistry today and the need for chemists to appreciate many different peripheral scientific fields in addition to the core subject area.

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