EJPS Cover

European Journal of Pediatric Surgery


  • Official Journal of the EUPSA (European Paediatric Surgeons Association)
  • Official Journal of the following Associations of Pediatric Surgery: Austrian, Belgian, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portugese, Romania, Scandinavian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swiss, Turkish, Ukrainian and of the UEMS


Pediatric Surgeons international


The journal is indexed in MEDLINE, Current Contents, Science Citation Index, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, SCOPUS and in the Journal Citation Reports.

Contact Person

Nicole Dörr Head of Advertising Phone:+49 711 8931-446 Send e-mail

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Basic Data

Frequency/year   6  
Total print run   900
Print on demand*  55
Impact Factor 2023 1,5
valid 01 October 2023

*Print on demand

Since 2022, Thieme has been printing repeat orders for individual issues using the so-called print on demand process and delivering these repeat orders directly from the print shop to the customer. The figure given indicates the annual average number of print on demand copies per issue.
