Tomislav Rovis – Regional SYNLETT Editor for the Americas
We are pleased to announce that Editor Tomislav Rovis (Colorado State University, USA) has taken up full responsibilities as Regional SYNLETT Editor for the Americas. Over the last two years he had shared the editorship with Victor Snieckus (Queen’s University, Canada).
As Regional Editor for the Americas Tomislav Rovis is taking care of authors from the American continent and processing papers through the peer-review process. All submissions from the Americas will therefore be assigned to Tomislav Rovis from now on.
Thieme Chemistry and the SYNLETT Editorial Board are
extremely grateful to Victor Snieckus for his constant commitment and
enthusiasm over 25 years since the founding of SYNLETT in 1989. In the future
he will take over new responsibilities for the promotion of the journal and
continue to organize specific Cluster topics.
Information and contact details for the entire SYNLETT
Editorial Board can be found on the SYNLETT website.