Independent Discoveries: The Wolff–Kishner Reduction
This Name Reaction Biography presents Ludwig Wolff and Nikolai Kizhner and their Wolff–Kishner reduction.
In 2017 is the 150th anniversary of the birth of Russian chemist Nikolai Matveevich Kizhner (1867–1935), and the 160th anniversary of the birth of German chemist Ludwig Wolff (1857–1919). These two chemists carried out seminal studies in the reactions of compounds with N–N bonds, leading to three eponymous reactions: the Wolff–Kishner deoxygenation of aldehydes and ketones, the Wolff rearrangement of α-diazoketones, and the Kishner cyclopropane synthesis. This article concentrates on the first and gives biographical background information on both chemists.Read the full article Independent Discoveries: The Wolff–Kishner Reduction