New Dipeptide Organocatalysts for Enantiodivergent Aldol Reactions
Proline-Glycine Dipeptidic Derivatives of Chiral Phosphoramides as Organocatalysts for the Enantiodivergent Aldol Reaction of Aryl Aldehydes and Isatins with Cyclohexanone in the Presence of Water: C. Cruz-Hernández, P. E. Hernández-González, E. Juaristi
Synthesis 2018, DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1592005
Proline-catalyzed aldol reactions are generally regarded as the ground-breaking discovery that initiated the field of organocatalysis at the beginning of the millennium. Nearly 20 years later, organocatalytic stereoselective aldol reactions continue to represent a highly active area of research in organic chemistry. Recently, the group of Professor Eusebio Juaristi from the Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados (Mexico City, Mexico) reported an interesting new class of organocatalysts that can effectively promote enantiodivergent aldol reactions.