Thieme Poster Prize awarded at the 22. Lecture Conference ORCHEM 2022
The Thieme Poster Prize was awarded to Lea Brechmann und Anne Kunz at the 22. Lecture Conference
ORCHEM 2022, which took place in Münster (Germany) from September 5 – 7, 2022. Congratulations!
Lea Brechmann from TU Chemnitz wins the prize for her poster in H2-Mediated C-C-Coupling Reaction and Anne Kunz from Uni Gießen wins the prize for her poster in Continuous Flow Synthesis of Azobenzenes via Baeyer-Mills Reaction. They receive a one-year subscription to SYNFACTS.
We warmly congratulate them on this award and look forward to new developments in their research career!
Read more about the 22. Lecture Conference ORCHEM 2022 here.