Metal-Free Synthesis of Hindered 3-Azoindoles
Highly Efficient Synthesis of Hindered 3-Azoindoles via Metal-Free C–H Functionalization of Indoles: N. Jacob, L. Guillemard, J. Wencel-Delord
Synthesis 2020, 52, 574–580
Photochromic compounds can act as molecular photo-switches thanks to their capacity to modify their geometry – and consequently other key properties such as dielectric constant – upon light irradiation at the appropriate wavelength. These intriguing compounds have found countless applications as light-triggered materials, data-storage systems, molecular motors, drug-delivery systems and receptor ligands, just to name a few. Now, the group of Professor Joanna Wencel-Delord from the University of Strasbourg (France) has developed a novel class of 3-azoindoles as highly substituted switchable photochromic compounds.
Professor Wencel-Delord said: “Wondering whether a sustainable, mild and operationally simple synthesis of sterically encumbered photoswitches is possible? Yes, we can do that! And this work proves it!”