Science of Synthesis Editorial Guidelines

Science of Synthesis is a multi-author reference work which is published in print and online formats. This means that the content has to be presented in a consistent way and it is imperative that authors adhere to the editorial guidelines provided.

Editorial Guidelines

Editorial Guidelines for the Science of Synthesis Knowledge Updates (pdf)  

Essential Reading

Preparing Schemes - Tips for Authors (pdf)

Science of Synthesis Editorial Style (pdf)


As an author, it is your legal responsibility to obtain copyright permission for any figures, tables, schemes, or textual information from another source that is to be reproduced in your Science of Synthesis contribution. The copy editor assigned to each manuscript will ask you to apply for copyright if you have not already done so, and will add the appropriate credit line. If there is an appropraite and adequate alternative to a reference requiring copyright then this reference should be substituted, or if a similar procedure is available then this procedure should be used instead of that under copyright. If you cannot obtain permission then the text will be deleted. Guidelines on when to apply for copyright can be found in the Science of Synthesis Guidebook. The editorial office will help you direct your applications to the appropriate departments. If you require any further information or advice regarding copyright, please contact Dr. Toby Reeve at the editorial office.  Download the copyright permission request form (pdf, 61 KB).

Sample Chapters

Science of Synthesis Knowledge Updates (pdf)

Science of Synthesis Reference Library (pdf)

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