Benjamin List is new SYNLETT Editor-in-Chief

Benjamin List will take over as Editor-in-Chief from Peter Vollhardt on January 1, 2015.

It is our great pleasure to announce that Professor Benjamin List (Max-Planck-Institute Mülheim an der Ruhr) is taking over the position of SYNLETT Editor-in-Chief from Professor Peter Vollhardt (University of California at Berkeley).

In 25 years of editorship, Peter Vollhardt, together with the Editorial Board, has transformed SYNLETT to the prime international journal solely devoted to the dissemination of important results in synthetic organic chemistry. He will continue to serve the journal as Editor in charge of Accounts and Synpacts articles, while Ben List will take over the lead.

In the Editorial of Issue 1/2015, Peter Vollhardt and Ben List give interesting insights into the history and future of the journal.

Information and contact details for the entire SYNLETT Editorial Board can be found on the SYNLETT website.

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