The Nose - Revision and Reconstruction

A Manual and Casebook

Hans Behrbohm, Jacqueline Eichhorn-Sens, Joachim Ulrich Quetz


  • Auflage: 1 2015
  • Seitenanzahl: 280 S., 1052 Abb., Hardback (Thread Stitching)
  • ISBN: 9783131435910
  • Medientyp: Buch
  • Sprache: Englisch

€ 144,99* [D]

€ 149,10* [A]

Medientyp: Buch

Produktinformationen The Nose - Revision and Reconstruction

A key problem-solving reference on revision rhinoplasty and reconstructive surgery of the nose

Written by a team of expert rhinoplasty and reconstructive surgeons, this practical reference and casebook offers guidelines and step-by-step instructions for dealing with the many minor and major problems that arise in revision rhinoplasty and reconstructive surgery of the nose. Divided into two parts, The Nose - Revision and Reconstruction first describes and discusses the principles and practice of these types of surgery. In the second part, 59 carefully selected cases are presented to the reader with the various surgical problems that can be expected. Revision cases are analyzed and demonstrated in a range of common and rare presentations in patients who had previous functional and aesthetic surgery, and reconstructive surgery for nasal defects or after trauma and tumor resections.

This reference also addresses issues relating to psychosomatic problems, psychology, body dysmorphic disorder, patient selection and contraindications, the timing of revision surgery, and specific processes in wound healing. The concepts of septorhinoplasty in various stages of life are also discussed, as they deal with general principles that are essential in any rhinoplasty but are particularly important in revision surgery.

The express goal of this book is to steer clear of current trends. Thus, it covers the gamut of closed, open, and endoscopic approaches and all graft and suture techniques, employing the full armamentarium of surgical techniques. The book also aims to improve the reader's skills in preoperative analysis and planning so that typical mistakes can be avoided and the best possible results are achieved the first time. In this sense, the book follows the classic principle of learning from mistakes so that they will not be repeated.

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