Pediatric Otolaryngology

Practical Clinical Management

Raymond Clarke

  • Auflage: 1 2017
  • Seitenanzahl: 416 S., 454 Abb., Hardback (Thread Stitching)
  • ISBN: 9783131699015
  • Medientyp: Buch
  • Sprache: Englisch

€ 139,99* [D]

€ 144,00* [A]

Produktinformationen Pediatric Otolaryngology
Ear, nose, and throat diseases present and progress very differently in children than in adults, needing different diagnostic and treatment strategies. Training in the subspecialty of pediatric otolaryngology is often part of a general ENT program and not a program in itself. As such, the general otolaryngologist may be insufficiently prepared to handle certain pediatric cases. R. W. Clarke's Pediatric Otolaryngology: Practical Clinical Management aims to provide the pediatric ENT resident or fellow, as well as the general ENT practitioner, with sound clinical guidance on ENT pathologies as they affect the pediatric population. Key Features: Fully describes the characteristics of ENT diseases in children, as opposed to only describing how the disorders differ from their presentations in adults International cast of expert contributors Practice based, for the clinician Comprehensive accounts of hearing loss in children, often poorly covered in standard texts Text boxes orient the reader to "danger signs," "top tips" in surgery, advice regarding potential complications, situations that need urgent referral, and medicolegal pitfalls Pediatric Otolaryngology is an essential reference of this important subspecialty for ENT doctors in practice, as well as in preparation for board examinations., Ear, nose, and throat diseases present and progress very differently in children than in adults, needing different diagnostic and treatment strategies. Training in the subspecialty of pediatric otolaryngology is often part of a general ENT program and not a program in itself. As such, the general otolaryngologist may be insufficiently prepared to handle certain pediatric cases. The clinician’s day-to-day guide on ENT pathologies as they affect the pediatric population x Full description of the characteristics of ENT diseases in children, as opposed to only describing how the disorders differ from their presentations in adults x Edited by one of the internationally best-known pediatric otolaryngologists with contributions from an international cast of experts x Practice based written in a clear style with didactic advice, lots of text boxes, summary points, and “dos and don’ts” x Orients the reader to „danger signs,“ „top tips“ in surgery, advice regarding potential complications, situations that need medicolegal pitfalls, and urgent referral

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