Audiology Practice Management

Brian J. Taylor

  • Auflage: 3 2019
  • 328 , 74 , Hardback (Thread Stitching)
  • ISBN: 9781626232549
  • Medientyp: Buch
  • Sprache: Englisch

€ 89,99* [D]

€ 92,60* [A]

Produktinformationen Audiology Practice Management
Audiology Practice Management, Third Edition by Brian Taylor, provides new and established audiologists with everything they need to know about running a practice in the 21st century. This new edition offers expert approaches to starting and maintaining a practice in audiology - from technical, legal, and financial daily operations - to new issues like HIPAA compliance, social media considerations, and marketing strategies in the digital age. Readers will benefit from the collective knowledge and expertise of audiologists and assorted industry experts who share pearls, controversies, and tips on a wide range of topics, including areas of practice not commonly seen in textbooks. Six new chapters cover key topics including basic management principles, clinical education, pricing strategies, entrepreneurial skills, changes in healthcare documentation, and valuation and exit strategy. Key Features The financial aspects of audiology including accounting, coding, reimbursement, and competitive pricing The delivery of optimal, patient-centered services with discussion of quality improvement, staffing, infection control, and improved amplification acceptance rates A clinical process perspective on changes in healthcare documentation and how to use SOAP notes Best practices - from credentialing and contracting - to sales and marketing strategies Full color figures, flowcharts, and textboxes This title is part of a three-volume set on Audiology (Diagnosis, Treatment, and Practice Management). Together, these books cover every aspect of audiology, providing a remarkably comprehensive resource - essential reading for doctoral students in audiology and must-have bookshelf references for audiologists., This new edition offers expert approaches to starting and maintaining a practice in audiology. Readers will benefit from the collective knowledge and expertise of audiologists and assorted industry experts who share pearls, controversies, and tips on a wide range of topics, including areas of practice not commonly seen in textbooks. Remarkably comprehensive resource x Financial aspects of audiology including accounting, coding, reimbursement, and competitive pricing x Delivery of optimal, patient-centered services with a discussion of quality improvement, staffing, infection control, and improved amplification acceptance rates x Clinical process perspective on changes in the documentation of healthcare and how to use SOAP notes x Best practices – from credentialing and contracting – to sales and marketing strategies x Full color figures, flowcharts, and textboxes New x New issues like HIPAA compliance, social media considerations, and marketing strategies in the digital age

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