The Comprehensive Neurosurgery Board Preparation Book

Illustrated Questions and Answers

Paul V. Birinyi, Najib El Tecle, Eric Marvin, Carlos Zamora, Richard Prayson, Samer Elbabaa, Matt Pierson, Katie Huynh


  • Auflage: 1 2016
  • Seitenanzahl: 448 S., 353 Abb., Paperback (Perfect Binding)
  • ISBN: 9781626232808
  • Medientyp: Buch
  • Sprache: Englisch

€ 89,99* [D]

€ 92,60* [A]

Medientyp: Buch

Produktinformationen The Comprehensive Neurosurgery Board Preparation Book

The Comprehensive Neurosurgery Board Preparation Book: Illustrated Questions and Answers

Board certification by the American Board of Neurological Surgery is considered the gold standard for neurosurgeons practicing in the U.S. The ABNS primary examination requires many months of preparation, and passing it is both a significant accomplishment and integral component in becoming board certified. Contributions from current neurosurgical residents and seasoned practitioners infuse this book with a well-rounded perspective. Having been there and done that, the authors incorporated what they felt was missing from board review books when they sat for the exam - resulting in a "bucket list" study guide.

The review is organized by neurosurgical topic with 20 chapters equally divided among questions followed by answers. Starting with physiology and anatomy, each chapter methodically covers core topics including radiology, neurology, pathology/histology, ophthalmology, and more. The authors provide brief explanations and pearls that accompany each question, which provide a solid springboard for delving deeper into any given topic. The easy-to-follow format enables residents to partake in long study sessions or tackle just a question or two in the midst of a busy day of neurosurgical service.

Key Highlights

  • More than 1,300 questions reflect key concepts in the ABNS primary exam
  • Enhanced with more than 350 images, most in color, which reflect the computerized, image-rich format of the current exam
  • A full-length practice test at the end of the book mirrors the cadence and time constraints of the actual exam
  • Explanations of correct and incorrect answers facilitate learning and retaining vast amounts of material

This comprehensive board review book will help neurosurgical residents of all levels prepare thoroughly for the March exam. It is a one-stop self-assessment tool for any neurosurgeon who endeavors to attain and maintain ABNS certification.

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