Bostwick's Plastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery - Two Volume Set

Glyn E. Jones


  • Auflage: 4 2020
  • 1478 , 1258 , Hardback (Thread Stitching)
  • ISBN: 9781626238121
  • Medientyp: Buch
  • Sprache: Englisch

€ 454,99* [D]

€ 467,80* [A]

Medientyp: Buch

Produktinformationen Bostwick's Plastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery - Two Volume Set

Few surgical texts are able to provide readers with a level of descriptive and visual detail sufficient to be considered a primary manual for surgical procedures. Surgeons typically face the daunting task of extensive research through various texts to piece together a picture comprehensive enough to guide them through a new procedure. This prospect is especially formidable in the field of plastic and reconstructive breast surgery, in which techniques are constantly evolving and older texts describe procedures that have long since been supplanted by superior methods and innovative approaches.

This fourth edition of Bostwick's Plastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery, edited by premier breast surgeon Glyn E. Jones, provides just that manual for breast and plastic surgeons. This comprehensive text encompasses every key ingredient for a step-by-step surgical guide to breast surgery:

  • An expanded microsurgical section incorporating the most widely used flaps and recent advances
  • Extensive coverage of revolutionary prepectoral breast reconstruction, both single stage direct-to-implant approaches and 2-stage expander-implant pre-pectoral reconstruction
  • A comprehensive approach to lymphedema surgery
  • Exposure to state-of-the-art implant technology
  • Contributing authors from around the globe who are heralded as the best in their field at technique and innovation
  • Detailed coverage of relevant and groundbreaking new technologies that are redefining plastic surgery of the breast
  • Step-by-step detailed technical operative details including technical nuances rarely outlined in surgical texts
  • High-quality, updated surgical images and intricate surgical illustrations as well as pertinent radiographic examples
  • An extensive collection of pertinent surgical videos, which stream directly from the publisher's website
  • Technical caveats to ensure success of the surgical techniques described
  • Concise but thorough chapters presented in both print and electronic formats for easy access by busy surgeons

Surgeons must be highly skilled in cosmetic breast surgery as well as in prepectoral approaches, single-stage direct-to-implant reconstruction, and microsurgery to remain competitive in the plastic and reconstructive breast surgery field. Every dedicated breast surgeon will want this essential text at their fingertips!

This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on

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