Color Atlas of Oral Diseases

Diagnosis and Treatment

George Laskaris


  • Auflage: 4th editon 2017
  • Seitenanzahl: 710 S., 1003 Abb., Hardback (Thread Stitching)
  • ISBN: 9783137170044
  • Medientyp: Buch
  • Sprache: Englisch

€ 169,99* [D]

€ 174,80* [A]

Medientyp: Buch

Produktinformationen Color Atlas of Oral Diseases

A seemingly boundless wealth of exquisite images for the diagnosis and therapy of diseases of the oral cavity, and systemic diseases with oral manifestations

This remarkable reference work is the result of decades of experience on the part of a top specialist in oral medicine, George Laskaris. The book draws heavily from the singular dedication with which the author has been documenting details of the pathology of the diseases of thousands of patients he has treated over the past decades, and also capturing these on camera in exquisite photographs.

Key Features:

  • More than 1,000 close-up photographs, in high resolution and full color, from the author's vast collection of more than 130,000 images
  • Concise explanatory texts supporting the images
  • Consistent organization of crucial information, including guidelines for diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to the patient with oral disease, basic characteristics of the diseases, diff erential diagnoses, histopathologic findings, lab findings, and therapeutic strategies
  • An appendix including tables of differential diagnosis based on morphology and color of lesions, and tables with biopsy considerations

Laskaris' Color Atlas of Oral Diseases: Diagnosis and Treatment is certain to be an essential reference not only for physicians and dentists involved in the diagnosis and therapy of oral diseases but also for dermatologists, otorhinolaryngologists, pediatricians, internists, hematologists, and rheumatologists evaluating the oral manifestations of systemic diseases.

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